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Learning to Love, Tragedy by Tragedy

Our love will rise from the ashes. We will become better beings. 

I learned to love you,
I won’t leave you.
Our love almost feels holy.

See, we have potential.
We are not perfect people.
But we are humble enough to try.
We are aware enough to know,
That even though we’re on the right road —
There is room to improve.

See, you exude a certain sense of intelligence.
We both understand that there’s more to learn.
We sometimes light little fires in our souls,
But we don’t let them burn.

We smother the flame.
We keep our angers tame.

And, sometimes there is pain,
Parts of ourselves don’t escape the fire.
But we don’t leave our love to expire.

We build from the ashes.
We become better beings.
Every tragedy,
Every fight,
It is just another teaching.

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